Designing beautiful apparel for a creative, digital future.
ThatRobotLife was created in 2022 after noticing a distinct lack of support and enthusiasm for the arts in STEAM. We decided to commit to promoting creativity and art within STEM fields because we believe technology is the future right besides art. Our mission is to provide the STEAM community with beautifully designed apparel in an effort to bring appreciation back to creative skills within STEM.
The Developers
Executive Director
Operations Director
Finance Director
“Blythe and I have been avid supporters within the robotics community for years - we’ve been on teams, mentored teams, and been longtime volunteers. Having gone through these robotics programs ourselves, we’ve seen the incredible impact this type of education has had on us and all the students going through it, but we’ve always noticed a distinct lack of appreciation for creative skills. For a community centered around supporting STEAM (Science, technology, engineering, arts and math), we saw very little promotion and encouragement of the arts aspect.
With the acquisition of ThatRobotLife in 2022 from Elizabeth Shannon (the original founder of this t-shirt shop), we saw a perfect opportunity to change that. As an apparel brand, ThatRobotLife was already doing an incredible job promoting art within the robotics community by simply using creative skills to create designs, but it was limited to just the robotics community in Georgia. With this mission in mind, we knew we could bring back an appreciation for creativity and the arts to all branches of STEAM and be an advocate for the subject that is always cut first from schools.
Our vision is to inspire others to find an appreciation in the in - between, where art and technology are used as compliments instead of competition.”
Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date!
Raining Shirts!
For our big Robotics competitions, we love partnering with local teams to demonstrate fun and unique ways we bring STEAM together. For the Peachtree district, we love to connect with local FRC teams to bring their t-shirt cannon so we can launch t-shirts we designed into the crowd.
Come to our next event for a chance to catch one of your own!